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Styles in the design of office interiors

Modern office design styles
We have already written a lot about the styles of kitchen interior, studied their versatility, diversity and dependence on geographic location. Now it is the turn of the office space, where we will talk about the styles in their design and design features.

Modern office is made according to two methods – closed, where all office space is divided into separate offices, halls and corridors, or according to the Open Space method, where the walls and offices are completely absent, and the space is divided into zones using office furniture and partitions.

The corridor-room system can be found in most government offices and offices of companies that are located in older buildings. Such a system is accepted by organizations with a clear linear-functional organizational structure.

Open Space can be found in more modern offices, where it is based on the principle of democracy. This design is most suitable for modern forms of management. Also, this system of organization of office space allows you to save on the walls and doors, and also simplifies communication between employees.

But there is a third type, which acts as a kind of compromise between the two aforementioned – mixed. It is also very popular, as it combines the classic and modern concept of office space.

In addition to the above concepts in the arrangement of the office, there are two more approaches – American and European.
The European approach is characterized by Open Space, but with some differences, primarily in the smoother mixing of styles in the design of the office premises. In such offices, one can observe high-tech using classic Persian carpet and other completely opposite options, and in spite of this, they harmoniously fit into the interior.

European style can also be divided into so-called subgroups depending on countries: Scandinavian, English, German, etc.

Spacious open space, dynamism that almost turns into aggressiveness – all these are features of the American approach to the formation of office space. Unlike Europeans, Americans prefer strict adherence to the canons of the chosen style, avoiding mixing.

Manhattan style
You must have seen in American films strict, business-like offices without a hint of familiarity, which were suppressed by their uncompromising and “business-like”. This image fully reveals the American style in the design of offices. One likes this style, while others, on the contrary, perceive it negatively.
office furniture The Manhattan style, or the Wall Street style, appeared in the period after the Great Depression, during the economic boom in 1930. The style takes its name from the largest, world-famous business districts of New York. This style has become the epitome of the true American cult of paid labor.
The American Office is characterized by Open Space, where there are only exterior walls and columns, no divisions into offices or departments. The main number of employees is located in large halls, and their workplaces are fenced off by furniture partitions. Separate rooms can only be recreation areas, meeting rooms and offices of top managers. For Americans, it is typical to use every meter of space to the maximum.
Lyrics, in the form of vases, pots with flowers and other trinkets – there is no place. Indeed, in such offices there is only one rule – only what is necessary for work. Here you can find only those items that set up an effective and productive working mode.

For the workplace, the basic requirement is comfort.

The “Manhattan” style uses metal that creates a cold, ideal for making important decisions atmosphere. Also, there are many glass elements that allow you to visually enlarge the space, which serves as a kind of unifying link for the staff, developing the feeling of one team with common goals and aspirations.
The opinion that the “Manhattan” style is extremely strict, cold and peremptory is wrong. First of all, this style is representativeness and stability.

In the design of such an office, extremely expensive finishing materials and high-quality furniture are used. The design itself is designed in modern style, where all items are functional. Among the items of decor will look great high-tech lamps, paintings, posters, modern watches and phones.
Well-known and popular studio apartments appeared precisely under the influence of the Manhattan style. Americans love their work, so they moved the “office” even to their apartments. The minimum of the situation and the maximum of free space are the ideal housing for an American.

Liberal Europe Offices
The European office is very different from the pragmatic American, it is not so strict and pragmatic.