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Kitchen Interior Style Guide: Traveling the World
Kitchen interior design has a lot of styles, both modern and more traditional, classic. Styles…


Kitchen interior style guide: from Scandinavia to eclecticism
Arrangement of the kitchen is very important and difficult process, because you need to choose…


decor items and a wide variety of small things.

The advantages of the kitchen to order

In the modern sense, the kitchen is not only the functional part of the house where cooking is carried out. It is here that the whole family usually gathers in the evenings in order to share impressions of the past day in a warm family circle. Each hostess dreams of her own kitchen, which is ideal in her opinion, which would be not only comfortable and ergonomic, but also stylish, cozy and attractive.
The choice of ready-made designs for the kitchen today is huge. Manufacturers offer a variety of options for arranging this part of the apartment. On the market you can find both classic kitchen options and very unusual models. But even with such a wide choice, not all consumers can find exactly what they need. Continue reading

Cozy living room rules

In this article we will talk about the living room, more precisely, how to make it as cozy and comfortable as possible, because this room is one of the most visited.
The living room in each house is a place where the whole family gets together, and also in the living room they welcome guests over a cup of aromatic coffee and an exciting conversation. There is an expression that a living room is a symbol of the owner, a reflection of his character and inner world. That is why many “gurus” of design recommend choosing such furniture, which will correspond to the character and interests of the owner. Continue reading

The use of metal in the production of kitchens

This article will talk about metal, how it is used in the production and design of kitchen furniture, how long and under what circumstances it penetrated the craft of kitchen furniture production.
It all started with the fact that the fashion for cooking culinary masterpieces came back again, so we began to look more and more to the professional kitchens where real cooking gurus work. In such kitchens, elements that are made of metal predominate, since this is a reliable material, truly “unkillable”. Continue reading