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Arrangement of a small hallway

Despite the fact that in the hallway people spend the minimum of their time, this part of the house requires care and arrangement, it should be in perfect condition. The hall can rightly be called the “business card” of the hostess, therefore saving on design is not an option.
According to statistics, in most city apartments the hallway is quite small, which greatly complicates the process of arrangement. But a competent and thoughtful approach will make even a tiny hall functional
It is necessary to carefully consider the layout of the room, its decor, take care of the right lighting and choose the most suitable furniture.

Hallway layout
When planning this part of the house should consider the following factors:

hallsForm room;
Connectivity with other rooms of the apartment

If you want to increase the space in the hallway, then a suitable option would be to connect it to another room. But for many apartments this option is not the most practical.

The best option to increase the small hallway would be a rational use of space, add functionality. For example, use the mezzanine, which is high under the ceiling, they can be folded seasonal items and shoes.
You can also try to work with a visual increase: use a transverse strip on the floor and ceiling.
In old houses, where there is a small space and very high ceilings, the ceiling should be painted in a dark color.

Hallway dressing

Since the hallway – a small room, its decor should be carefully thought out. Improperly chosen finishing materials will spoil the look, make it even smaller and create the atmosphere of a “little box”.

Relief plaster or artificial stone – absolutely not recommended for use in a small hallway. Textured wallpapers are the best alternative.
A large role in the hallway is played by the color scheme, which can increase the space, but if you choose the wrong color, the room will become visually smaller.
How to visually enlarge the space:

The ceiling should be made white. Glossy plastic panels are great;
The walls are best painted in light colors or pasted with light wallpaper. Yellow, light green, white and blue are the most suitable colors for the hallway;
Preference is given to plain wallpaper;
According to some experts, the thresholds between the hallway and the rooms visually reduce the space, so they can be removed
For flooring, tile is the best choice. Firstly, this material does not need special care, and secondly, it is easy to clean and is not afraid of moisture and dirt.
Hallway lighting is an important detail.
Since there are no windows in the hallway, there are no sources of natural lighting, respectively. Therefore, you need to take care of sufficient provision of artificial light. The best option would be spotlights on the ceiling and wall sconces. You can also equip with light and furniture elements. To further enhance the effect of light, you can place lights above the mirror.
With the help of light, you can also visually expand the space:

To give preference only to white tones;
For furniture and decoration use glossy materials that reflect light, as well as glass surfaces and mirrors.
Hallway furniture
To make the most efficient use of the space of this part of the house, you should choose furniture that can be embedded in niches. It should be selected before you start the repair. But not everywhere such an option will be possible. The hallways are therefore worth considering a few more solutions.
Small wardrobe
This furniture has a large capacity, and its side parts can be used to install additional hooks and hangers. Cabinet doors are best to choose mirror and gloss.

High pedestal
Such furniture is perfect for storing shoes. A big plus will be the spacious shelves on the cabinet.
Additional shelves and hooks
They are great for storing accessories: hats, bags or umbrellas.

Summarizing, we should highlight a few general tips that will allow you to equip your small hallway:
Selection of light shades. Also pay attention to glossy surfaces, mirrors and glass surfaces;
Enough light. In this question also light-reflecting materials will come to the rescue;
When choosing furniture, one should pay attention to its shape and size: it should be narrow and, preferably, without protruding fittings.
The tips listed in this article will help you make the small entrance hall more comfortable, functional and stylish. Proper use of light will help to visually expand the space and make the interior a stylish and modern.