Rational storage of things in a small apartment.
The rational organization of space is one of the key moments in the development of…


The smartest table
The most advanced "smart" technologies are more and more penetrating into all the "branches" of…


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How to equip a small bedroom?

Unfortunately, in our country, quite a few families are familiar with the problem of small-sized residential premises. But fortunately there are a number of design techniques, applying which you can visually increase the space. It should be immediately noted that there are several controversial issues in which specialists have not come to a common opinion. We will single them out separately. Initially, we note unconditional moments.
The color of the walls. In a small room only light tones are allowed. Warm shades fill it with comfort, but at the same time “narrow” the space. Colds saturate the room with light and visually expand it, making, however, more official. Whether it will be decorative plaster, painting or wallpapering is not important. The main thing – the choice of color. If at the same time one wall (preferably the one with the head of the bed) has a different color — richer and deeper — this will add additional volume to the room. It must be remembered that the vertical pattern “lengthens” the room, making it already, horizontal, on the contrary, expands and visually lowers the ceiling. It is strongly contraindicated to use wallpaper with a large pattern – they will emphasize the small size of the room. Continue reading

Rational storage of things in a small apartment.

The rational organization of space is one of the key moments in the development of the interior design of any housing. But if we are talking about a small apartment, this question becomes almost decisive. The modern layout of apartments implies a fairly large entrance hall, but also in many old apartments where the entrance hall is very small. We will consider both options, which are united by one key point; any storage systems should not become the dominant focus of the entire interior. Continue reading