Skinali - original accent in interior design
Skinali - original accent in interior design Relatively recently, a new word “skinali” has entered…


The smartest table
The most advanced "smart" technologies are more and more penetrating into all the "branches" of…



The use of metal in the production of kitchens

This article will talk about metal, how it is used in the production and design of kitchen furniture, how long and under what circumstances it penetrated the craft of kitchen furniture production.
It all started with the fact that the fashion for cooking culinary masterpieces came back again, so we began to look more and more to the professional kitchens where real cooking gurus work. In such kitchens, elements that are made of metal predominate, since this is a reliable material, truly “unkillable”. Continue reading

The best materials for the kitchen countertop.

A very important component for the kitchen is the furniture, or rather its quality, because its service life and appearance will depend on it. Already as an axiom sounds the statement that for kitchen furniture you need to choose only the highest quality materials.

In this article, we will talk about the important part of kitchen furniture, the countertop. Consider all possible materials for its manufacture, as well as analyze the pros and cons of each of them. Continue reading

Choose a cabinet for TV.

Since the time when televisions began to appear in people’s homes for many years, many years have passed, but he invariably remains the “central figure” in the living room, hallway and continues to gather the whole family from his screen.

During the history of its existence, the TV has significantly transformed, changed in size, both the screen and the design itself, its image became color, and already with the onset of the so-called digital era, it became completely “smart”, learned to enter the Internet and show the image in FullHD format. Continue reading