Choosing furniture for the living room.
The living room is the “center of the Universe” in every home, because it is…


Style and design of kitchen furniture
Conveniently placed equipment in a properly organized space is important, but if the style of…


follow the rules of caring for such

Cozy living room rules

In this article we will talk about the living room, more precisely, how to make it as cozy and comfortable as possible, because this room is one of the most visited.
The living room in each house is a place where the whole family gets together, and also in the living room they welcome guests over a cup of aromatic coffee and an exciting conversation. There is an expression that a living room is a symbol of the owner, a reflection of his character and inner world. That is why many “gurus” of design recommend choosing such furniture, which will correspond to the character and interests of the owner. Continue reading

Fun office

Most people believe that having fun at work is detrimental to the productivity of the work process, that too good mood destroys the discipline and concentration of employees. But there is another opinion, which we will discuss in this article.

Negotiations are an integral organizational part of the work.
Negotiations are a “sacrament”, which is simply a necessity for work, they perform organizational, coordinating and communicative functions. Continue reading

Musical thumbs

Tomba Caruso – the standard of modern technological furniture.
The variety of modern furniture is so wide that even the most sophisticated esthete will be at a loss and admiration for what unusual and non-standard furniture elements modern representatives of the furniture design workshop can come up with.

The world has already seen “smart tables”, which were controlled using a smartphone application, and which were able to intelligently adjust to a person. Surely heard about the desktops, which “take care” of the cheerful mood of your pet.  Continue reading