Rational storage of things in a small apartment.
The rational organization of space is one of the key moments in the development of…


Healthy sleep for a child.
Children are a great treasure that life rewards us with. Therefore, we need to try…


curtain chairs

The rules of the perfect kitchen.

The kitchen is a place where each housewife can show her creative nature. Therefore, this room should be one that is conducive to culinary creativity, so that the food is not only tasty, but also becomes similar to a real work of art.

The process of arranging the kitchen is very time consuming and time consuming, and at first glance, it may be a bit boring. But you should still treat the arrangement of the interior with love and fantasy. Continue reading

Cozy living room rules

In this article we will talk about the living room, more precisely, how to make it as cozy and comfortable as possible, because this room is one of the most visited.
The living room in each house is a place where the whole family gets together, and also in the living room they welcome guests over a cup of aromatic coffee and an exciting conversation. There is an expression that a living room is a symbol of the owner, a reflection of his character and inner world. That is why many “gurus” of design recommend choosing such furniture, which will correspond to the character and interests of the owner. Continue reading

History of furniture transformers

The problem of lack of free space has worried mankind since very ancient times, and this pushed for new inventions. Gradually, over time, furniture elements appeared that could be folded and unfolded, and furniture transformers appeared.

In this article we will travel through the pages of history, and will conduct a small “investigation” and find out how this furniture appeared and trace its history of development to the present day. Transforming furniture has become a familiar affair quite recently, but this does not mean that its history is pale and not interesting. Continue reading