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How to upgrade the kitchen interior?
Psychologists say that in order for a person to feel whole, he must be in…


The rules of the perfect kitchen.
The kitchen is a place where each housewife can show her creative nature. Therefore, this…


which the “spare”

Kitchen interior style guide: from Scandinavia to eclecticism

Arrangement of the kitchen is very important and difficult process, because you need to choose for this part of the house practical, comfortable and functional furniture. And if you take into account the modern realities in which the kitchen has ceased to be just a place where food is cooked, and is a full-fledged part of the interior composition of the whole house, then it is necessary to arrange it stylishly and beautifully.
There are many styles in the design of the kitchen interior, some of them are very popular and universal, others like only true connoisseurs, and there are those that can cause real surprise and admiration. Continue reading

Kitchen Interior Style Guide: Traveling the World

Kitchen interior design has a lot of styles, both modern and more traditional, classic. Styles arose under the influence of various factors: technical progress, the emergence of new trends in art and architecture, as well as under the influence of a particular culture.
As is known, each country has its own distinctive culture, language, traditions and styles in home improvement. The design of the kitchen room also depends on the geographical location. Continue reading

Choosing a table for the kitchen. Interior Designer Tips

Choosing a table for the kitchen is not as straightforward as it initially seems. Its functions can vary depending on whether there is a dining room in the house / apartment, what is the size of the dining room itself, how large is the working surface of the kitchen unit. It is advisable to consider two diverse options that dictate our realities:
apartments in high-rise buildings of old construction with rooms of minimal size and a kitchen of 2.5 – 3 square meters, where a living room is used for receiving guests;
modern houses / apartments with large-scale kitchen, often combined with a dining room. Due to the sufficient working area, the kitchen table here is used exclusively as a dining table. Continue reading