Kitchen worktops - features of choice
Tops of modern kitchen are the facade of the kitchen, an apron of the working…


Small office arrangement
Not every company can afford a large and spacious office, many have to be content…


most of the bathrooms

Eco-style in the interior

Eco-style – the main interior trend of the current year
Most modern interior designers have noted the tendency that natural motifs in interiors are rapidly gaining in popularity, or more simply, more and more people prefer the so-called eco-style. This style, along with pop art and minimalism, can be more and more often seen in urban apartments, where something natural is always lacking, and in large private and country houses. Continue reading

Kitchen interior style guide: from Scandinavia to eclecticism

Arrangement of the kitchen is very important and difficult process, because you need to choose for this part of the house practical, comfortable and functional furniture. And if you take into account the modern realities in which the kitchen has ceased to be just a place where food is cooked, and is a full-fledged part of the interior composition of the whole house, then it is necessary to arrange it stylishly and beautifully.
There are many styles in the design of the kitchen interior, some of them are very popular and universal, others like only true connoisseurs, and there are those that can cause real surprise and admiration. Continue reading

Caring for furniture from chipboard

Chipboard furniture is an affordable alternative to wood.
Proper care will ensure the longevity of any furniture, even inexpensive of chipboard. This material has wide popularity due to its availability, versatility and durability. Nowadays, it is the most common alternative to natural wood.

Maybe chipboard furniture is not as durable and durable as wood, but with proper care and compliance with the rules of operation, you can significantly extend the life of such furniture. Continue reading