Rational storage of things in a small apartment.
The rational organization of space is one of the key moments in the development of…


Choice of cuisine depending on the sign of the zodiac
Choice of cuisine depending on the sign of the zodiac Many people trust the predictions…



Healthy sleep for a child.

Children are a great treasure that life rewards us with. Therefore, we need to try very hard to provide the best conditions for maturing and development, to provide them with a happy and carefree childhood.

Special attention should also be paid to the children’s room, as this is the place where your younger generation will live and develop. It should be spacious, comfortable and functional. One that can serve as a place for recreation, a place for preparing lessons and self-development, and a place for fun games.

Interior design in the nursery. Continue reading

Furniture functionality is a step to comfort.

Time is running, everything is changing … But one problem is still relevant, and perhaps it is not so global, but still very intrusive. This is a lack of free space in the apartment.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to live in a luxurious mansion on several floors with huge, spacious and bright rooms, where space is more than enough. Some are content in small apartments, in which on a par with the question of comfort and convenience, there is also an acute issue of space. Continue reading

History of furniture transformers

The problem of lack of free space has worried mankind since very ancient times, and this pushed for new inventions. Gradually, over time, furniture elements appeared that could be folded and unfolded, and furniture transformers appeared.

In this article we will travel through the pages of history, and will conduct a small “investigation” and find out how this furniture appeared and trace its history of development to the present day. Transforming furniture has become a familiar affair quite recently, but this does not mean that its history is pale and not interesting. Continue reading