The use of metal in the production of kitchens
This article will talk about metal, how it is used in the production and design…


We select the bathroom furniture together!
The basic principles of selection of furniture for the bathroom The process of choosing furniture…


Its thickness

Choice of cuisine depending on the sign of the zodiac

Choice of cuisine depending on the sign of the zodiac
Many people trust the predictions of astrologers, and even those who are skeptical about such predictions often read them, because it’s still interesting what these stars of the stars tried to do. Therefore, a kind of experiment, which conducted the company Nolte Kuchen, will be of interest to most. The designers together with the PR department invited astrologers to give a joint astrological-interior forecast for 2017. The essence of the experiment is that the designers, relying on the astrologers’ forecasts, give their recommendations on the choice of kitchen furniture and the arrangement of the interior in this part of the house. Continue reading

Caring for furniture from chipboard

Chipboard furniture is an affordable alternative to wood.
Proper care will ensure the longevity of any furniture, even inexpensive of chipboard. This material has wide popularity due to its availability, versatility and durability. Nowadays, it is the most common alternative to natural wood.

Maybe chipboard furniture is not as durable and durable as wood, but with proper care and compliance with the rules of operation, you can significantly extend the life of such furniture. Continue reading

Small office arrangement

Not every company can afford a large and spacious office, many have to be content with a small room. But this does not mean that it is impossible to arrange comfortable conditions for employees. If you correctly approach this issue, then you can make even the tiniest office space stylish and practical.
For arranging a small space, the most acceptable option would be making furniture to order. You can, of course, make an attempt to purchase and serial furniture, but it is doomed to fail. Continue reading