Fun office
Most people believe that having fun at work is detrimental to the productivity of the…


Compact arrangement of the hallway.
The hallway is perhaps the most controversial place in a residential apartment. Why? There are…


bottom of the well”.

Choosing furniture for the living room.

The living room is the “center of the Universe” in every home, because it is here that we spend time with our family, watch TV and receive guests. Therefore, you need to really try to ensure that this part of the house gives comfort and tranquility to all who are in it.

Comfort is a complex concept, which includes the layout of the room, its interior, and, of course, furniture. So you need to try to take into account all these factors and choose only the very best, high-quality and functional. Continue reading

History of furniture transformers

The problem of lack of free space has worried mankind since very ancient times, and this pushed for new inventions. Gradually, over time, furniture elements appeared that could be folded and unfolded, and furniture transformers appeared.

In this article we will travel through the pages of history, and will conduct a small “investigation” and find out how this furniture appeared and trace its history of development to the present day. Transforming furniture has become a familiar affair quite recently, but this does not mean that its history is pale and not interesting. Continue reading

The use of metal in the production of kitchens

This article will talk about metal, how it is used in the production and design of kitchen furniture, how long and under what circumstances it penetrated the craft of kitchen furniture production.
It all started with the fact that the fashion for cooking culinary masterpieces came back again, so we began to look more and more to the professional kitchens where real cooking gurus work. In such kitchens, elements that are made of metal predominate, since this is a reliable material, truly “unkillable”. Continue reading